Thursday, June 30, 2011

Branding :: Define your brand identity—your product's "personality"

Branding is not just a function of marketing, it’s a function of business. And that’s why the first step to creating a business is to develop your brand. Entrepreneurs often flounder for years, struggling for incremental growth because they created a business without a brand.

The branding process itself is not that complicated, simply a matter of asking yourself some basic questions. The hard part is discovering the deeper meaning behind your answers, and "drilling down" to find what’s makes your business a interesting brand. Below are the questions I answered, followed by my revised answers after I drilled down.

What are your Values?
1. Personal relationships
2. Creativity
3. Flexibility

Drilled Down Values:
1. Generosity – Giving back.
2. Personal Relationships – Not just a customer relationship, but being available on a personal level.
3. Design Excellence – What I sell will meet lasting design principles.

What is Your Mission?
To offer handmade accessories made with recycled materials.

Drilled Down Mission:
My goal with Fusskerfuffle is to offer something special, unique well-loved and guilt-free

What is Your Vision?
For everyone to have one-of-a-kind products for themselves, but they don’t use any new natural resources.

Drilled Down Vision:
To have a home based business that provides a viable income for my family and flexible enough to allow creative growth over the years.

I also filled in Marty Neumeier’s “Onliness Statement:”

Fusskerfuffle is the only independent design business that: makes handmade bags, purses, and wallets that give the buyer a guilt-free form of whimsical expression.
** this is a tough one. i will probably change and improve on this statement a few more times till it really gells with me.

What is Your Brand’s Promise?
To create items of comfort and reliability.

Drilled Down Promise:
To give you a product that tells a interesting story.

What’s Your Tagline?
I haven't arrived on a final tagline yet, it’s a work in progress. So far that progress is

"Woe to the hubbubbery!" (translation:: "Down with the boring!")

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