Thursday, June 30, 2011

Branding :: Define your brand identity—your product's "personality"

Branding is not just a function of marketing, it’s a function of business. And that’s why the first step to creating a business is to develop your brand. Entrepreneurs often flounder for years, struggling for incremental growth because they created a business without a brand.

The branding process itself is not that complicated, simply a matter of asking yourself some basic questions. The hard part is discovering the deeper meaning behind your answers, and "drilling down" to find what’s makes your business a interesting brand. Below are the questions I answered, followed by my revised answers after I drilled down.

What are your Values?
1. Personal relationships
2. Creativity
3. Flexibility

Drilled Down Values:
1. Generosity – Giving back.
2. Personal Relationships – Not just a customer relationship, but being available on a personal level.
3. Design Excellence – What I sell will meet lasting design principles.

What is Your Mission?
To offer handmade accessories made with recycled materials.

Drilled Down Mission:
My goal with Fusskerfuffle is to offer something special, unique well-loved and guilt-free

What is Your Vision?
For everyone to have one-of-a-kind products for themselves, but they don’t use any new natural resources.

Drilled Down Vision:
To have a home based business that provides a viable income for my family and flexible enough to allow creative growth over the years.

I also filled in Marty Neumeier’s “Onliness Statement:”

Fusskerfuffle is the only independent design business that: makes handmade bags, purses, and wallets that give the buyer a guilt-free form of whimsical expression.
** this is a tough one. i will probably change and improve on this statement a few more times till it really gells with me.

What is Your Brand’s Promise?
To create items of comfort and reliability.

Drilled Down Promise:
To give you a product that tells a interesting story.

What’s Your Tagline?
I haven't arrived on a final tagline yet, it’s a work in progress. So far that progress is

"Woe to the hubbubbery!" (translation:: "Down with the boring!")

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why don't you throw a clothes swapping party?

There it is....mocking you. A sad reminder of bad judgement or wasteful retail therapy. Sadly, that miniskirt is never going to fit you again. Not today, not five hopeful pounds from now and even if it did's not your style!

Time to let go and embrace some closet therapy. Just in time for fall, why don't you throw a clothes swapping party? I did! Unload clothing and accessories that you don't wear anymore (or never did) and get some new (used) ones.Here's how: (I grabbed a lot of this info off of and mixed in my own two cents). My swap was very, very, unstructured...I've been to very formal ones and personally I like it kind of sorry Millie, there were no hangers or garment racks provided...she was a good sport about it :O)

The Event
Get together a bunch of girlfriends and have everyone bring in gently worn items and accessories they don't wear anymore. It's obvious (I think) but I'll still state this: The items should be clean and in good condition with no major damage. Remember, these are your friends and you want to keep them. (if you're in my group of friends...some of the items thrown into the swap may have pins/needles in them from failed attempts at sewing a dress, top, your best to remove the pins before you go).

Announce the event and make the most of your style-swapping extravaganza. Send out invitations (I e-mailed/text/facebook) ahead of time and set the mood at the party by creating a theme. For instance, a black-and-white clothing swap in which every item brought to the party is black or white. A few other ideas are vintage, retro, glam or athletic. My event was centered around finally getting a DVD copy of "Dogs in Space" on eBay. I guess I could have made everyone dress up like Michael Hutchence? Hhmmm. It helps to have some music playing while everyone 'shops,' then add to the festive atmosphere by supplying some simple snacks and drinks! Mine was a potluck of hors d'œuvre, wine, etc..yummies. Don't forget a full-length mirror (I forgot...well, I offered the one in my bedroom but no one took me up on it so it may not be that essential), which is an essential part of your party and have a bathroom available to change in for any friends that may be shy.

The Clothes and Accessories
This part is simple. Anything you haven't worn in the last two years or anything that you simply can't fit into, you can bring to a clothing swap. It may just be time for someone else to have fun with your old miniskirt.

The Rules
Display each item so everyone has a chance to see what's available. Everyone can take turns picking out the item they desire and try them on. You may want to have guests pick a number out of basket as soon as they arrive, in the event there are some really good items that more than one person wants. (as you can see from my photo...we just threw everything down into a HUGE pile on the floor and dove in!! it was great!)

The best part is that you'll have your girlfriends there to yey/ney your pick and give you (AND they will!) their opinion.

The Leftovers
Don't take things just to take them. Nobody should have to bring home something they don't want ... the idea here is to empty out your closet and clear yourself of things you no longer need. Just pack up whatever remains and donate any left over clothing to a charity such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, or a woman's shelter. (The day after I donated 8 big bags of clothes, a local charity...totally awesome!)

So, weither you have a organized swap or clothes dive like's fun, social, and serves a purpose....throw one today!!