Wednesday, July 7, 2010


**Kombucha is being removed from various supermarket chains because of alcohol content that may not match what the label says. "No, Lindsay Lohan is not the cause", Millennium Products founder G.T. Dave, creator of Synergy Kombucha.

though available commercially, kombucha has been consumed by homebrewers long before it hit capitalist markets. there is limited scientific evidence and no affirmative FDA reports about the actual benefits of kombucha, but it has been consumed for centuries by people from around the world for it's medicinal effects. some say it originated in China around 212BC[1], while others believe it to have originated in late- 19th century Russia[2].

kombucha is made up of amino acids, yeasts, lactic acids, and other compounds of bacterial strains; the primary component being acetobacter. to make your own, most brewers start their kombucha with a SCOBY mat (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) along with some pre-exixting kombucha tea.

"Kombucha is not a supplement, drug, or medicine... it is simply a super healthy food that helps the body to find (or regain) its natural balance in the body, which promotes overall well being. Just like regular exercise, Kombucha is something that supports a healthy lifestyle. When the body is healthier, its natural defenses are stronger.Kombucha has an “adaptogenic” ability that gives it a reputation for its widespread health properties. Its adaptogen effect is seen mostly through its influence on the liver, the blood and the digestive system, where it normalizes the acidity or pH. Metabolic balancing and detoxification is perhaps the most important function of Kombucha. To put it in simple terms, Kombucha will make you feel good." ~

since it's been yanked from the shelves here in boise....i have decided to brew some myself (photo was taken in my kitchen). i got myself a great starter kit from Kombuchick - which has everything you need (you have to supply your own glassware) to get started plus a guide to homebrewery AND 50% off your next purchase of spiced sugar!! the one i'm using here is lemon/ginger...yumm! i'll post back in a couple of weeks and let you know how it turns out.

[1] Kombucha History: The History of Kombucha Tea.

[2] Kombucha.

1 comment:

  1. WOW thanks for the sweet mention! your setup looks GREAT!!! Good luck and enjoy it! =)
